Stundenglass Gravity Infuser Authentic 10 Years Warranty – Pink
1 Sold
Original price was: 18,900.00฿.16,900.00฿Current price is: 16,900.00฿.
StÞndenglassÂŪ is honored to introduce the limited edition Pink Infuser, a sophisticated and elegantly designed 360° rotating glass infuser that generates kinetic motion activation via cascading water displacement, opposing airflow technology and the natural force of gravity. Constructed using the highest quality materials, including borosilicate glass globes and aircraft-grade anodized aluminum, the StÞndenglass Gravity Infuser elicits an immersive experience while delivering smooth, consistent and vaporous draws.
Designed for functional versatility, the StÞndenglass Gravity Infuser is a complete set that includes an aluminum bowl kit and a glass liner, but can also connect to any smoking or vaporization device with a 14mm male joint. Included is a 3-foot silicone hose that can be connected for direct draws, though a steady stream of smoke through the 45° adjustable mouthpiece affords the optionality for entirely contactless consumption.
A patented design backed by an extended 10-year warranty*, the StÞndenglass Gravity Infuser comes packaged in a reusable craft box with a handle, allowing for safe storage and transportation. Super durable, futuristic in design and superb in function, the StÞndenglass Gravity Infuser stands alone at the pinnacle of smoking and vaporization devices.
Patent:Â D943817
– Anodized Aluminum Frame
– Borosilicate Glass Globes
– Silicone Hose Assembly
– Infusion Chamber Assembly
– Cleaning Kit
– Sticker Set
– Reusable Craft Box with Handle
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āļ§āļąāļŠāļāļļ : Borosilicate Glass Globes āđāļĨāļ° Aero Grade Aluminium
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